About Us

We care about your journey from isolation to belonging.

The Lighthouse Attleborough was set up in 2007, by Christ Community Church Attleborough, to support those in our local community and surrounding villages, who were seeking to find community and purpose.
Living in a rural location often means there is a battle with isolation. This battle leads to feeling lonely, makes you believe that you don't belong and leads to deep searching questions - is there meaning to my life?
In a digitally connected but emotionally disconnected world no-one should be left to feel alone or isolated and this was the very reason The Lighthouse Attleborough was created - To give you a place of community and belonging. Throughout the years the Lighthouse Attleborough has created 7 different groups that are still helping many find community and belonging:
  • Sparklers, a parents and tots group.
  • Lighthouse Education, increasing children's reading ability.
  • Ignite Youth Project, creating a safe and caring environment for young people.
  • Foodbank, giving food to those who are falling on hard times.
  • Intergenerational Table Tennis, a caring community.
  • The Light Café, a social, emotional and mental health support group (referral only).
  • Treasures, a community for senior citizens.
In 2023, we have helped 616 people find community within a group.
One testimonial said "I don't know what wed do without the Girls Lounge, it does Daisy so much good. She's so excited to come every single week its the best thing shed ever done'.
Testimonial from the Treasures project – ‘Mr & Mrs A really struggled to leave the house after covid and coming to Treasures coffee mornings was the first place they felt safe to come. They have continued to come each time, making new friends each time, and growing in confidence.’
Through the years of supporting Attleborough and the surrounding villages we advise that you take a look at our groups to find a community that suits you best, send us a short message so we can be ready to welcome you and then come along and make friends. We care deeply about you therefore we will always give you dignity and respect, we will value your opinions and thoughts, we will support you in every season of life and we promise never to give up on you.
We trust that at the Lighthouse Attleborough you will find a growing community, have a genuine sense of belonging, find value in your life and you will be able to help others have the same journey.
We're excited to start this journey with you.

Our mission is to see transformation from isolation to belonging.

“I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now.”

— C.S Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle

Find your community here.